About me

I discovered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy over 10 years ago and appreciated it so much I decided to become a practitioner. From early on I was struck by the extraordinary and frankly ineffable nature of this therapy. Being met with a compassionate, neutral touch that didn’t ask for anything back was revelatory for me.

Craniosacral therapy has supported me on a journey of recovery from accidents and injuries and led to many unexpected, treasured discoveries. It provided me with experiences of peace when I was hurting - serene moments of restorative rest that felt otherwise out of reach during challenging periods of my life. This therapy has stoked my sense of awe for our amazing bodies and their brilliant, salutary poetry. It has taught me a tremendous amount about myself and enriched my life immeasurably.

I qualified as a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist in 2023 and continue to be deeply moved by mine and others’ life-affirming experiences of being held, heard and liberated by touch. I am particularly interested in supporting people to develop their own embodied intuition and internal safety/resources. Becoming a hands on therapist has felt like a natural and creative development of my work as a dancer and improviser, and I am excited to see where it takes me.

I work with people of all ages, ethnicities, nationalities, gender identities and expressions, and sexual orientations. I am registered with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council and am an accredited therapist with the Craniosacral Therapy Association and the International Cranial Association. I adhere to their codes of ethics and am insured by Holistic Insurance Services.


Body College Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Two Year Practitioner Training (London) with Steve Haines & Jane Shaw, 2021-23

Laughter Yoga Leader Training with United Mind, 2020

Living Anatomy course with Sarah Nesling & Jo Coole, 2019

MA Performance, London Contemporary Dance School, 2012

BA Contemporary Dance, London Contemporary Dance School, 2006-09

Professional development

Healing Birth Trauma study day with Maria Esposito, 2024

Working with 9 month to 8 years olds study day with Maria Esposito, 2024

Working with Ancestral and Collective Trauma study day with Mary Bolingbroke, 2024

Sister Circle Maternity Mate training with Lynne Laidlaw, Rossana Buck, Denise Mcleggan, Helen Westbrook and Sherridan Stymest, 2023

Formative Embodiment two-day workshop with Jim Feil, 2019

Feldenkrais Practitioner Training taster day with Scott Clarke & Elizabeth Beringer, 2018

Dynamics of Rolfing Touch two-day workshop with Giovanni Felicioni, 2017